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The IEDR is a centralized state-wide platform that provides access to useful energy data and information from New York's electric, gas, and steam utilities, and other sources, to support new and innovative clean energy business models that serve to benefit New York energy customers.

You are currently visiting the IEDR Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This represents the second major release of the platform, which will expand to include a much broader set of features and functionality over time. For more information regarding upcoming use cases and functionality, please visit our Detailed Release Roadmap (opens in new window) and IEDR Program Homepage (opens in new window).

Tools and Data Products

Utilize Energy Data Tools


Electric Infrastructure Assessment Tool (EIAT)

Use this interactive map to explore detailed information and downloadable data of New York State's distributed energy resources (DERs), including installed DERs, queued DERs, and current and maximum hosting capacity to help plan and site new DERs. Maps and data are regularly updated to provide timely and accurate information for stakeholders across New York, from residents and communities to project developers and officials.

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Dollar Sign

Rate Plans

Use this interactive tool to find and compare energy rate plans across New York State's regulated Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) to inform clean energy opportunities and optimize cost and consumption. Rate plan data is regularly updated based on utility rate cases and rate plan updates resulting from tariff filings.

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Green Button Connect

Use this Green Button Conect (GBC) tool to access and download customer utility data from New York State's regulated IOUs to scope, deploy, and monitor clean energy projects. The availability and types of customer utility data are regularly updated and are available to registered Energy Service Entities (ESE). The GBC tool is currently in sandbox mode and is accepting registrations from ESEs.

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