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Understand the Data

The IEDR Green Button Connect (GBC) tool allows registered Energy Service Entities (ESEs) to digitally request authorization and receive access to customer utility data from all of New York’s investor-owned utilities (IOUs). The customer utility data provided by the IOUs and made available via this tool is in a standardized format across participating utilities and will be updated regularly. Access to standardized customer utility data will enable New York's third parties to speed up the deployment of clean energy in communities throughout the State.

Registered ESEs can send authorization requests and access customer utility data through a dedicated dashboard or an API. An expanded set of customer utility data fields, including interval data and downloadable copies of bill PDFs, will be added in the future.

The IEDR GBC tool is currently in sandbox mode, which allows users to explore tool functionality, but without production-level data sets. Only sample dummy data will be available in sandbox mode and these data sets do not include customer utility data. As the ability to request authorization and access IOU customer utility data becomes available, the IEDR team will notify registered ESEs.

Register as an ESE to access Customer Utility Data

Customer utility data is only available to Energy Service Entities (ESEs) that have successfully completed the State's registration process that can be done from here: UtilityAPI - Docs - Utilities - IEDR

User Data Access

The "Green Button" tool allows the following types of users to access customer data:

  • Third Party Providers
  • Customers
    • These set of users are able to directly access/connect with The Green Button Connect My Data (CMD). These users are also able to authorize direct, secure transfer of their energy usage data to third parties that can assist them with ways to potentially manage and conserve energy.